Organisation of the Association

At the inception of the International Nannoplankton Association, in The Netherlands in 1977, it was considered that actions were more important than structures and so an ad hoc committee was formed with different members taking on loosely defined responsibilities. As the association has grown so has the list of committee members but we survived without a formal constitution until 2002, when men took over. The present set of officers and their field of activity is informally outlined here, the bylaws explain more formally how we ought to do things. Contact addresses are given on another page.

This page was written Oct 2002, last updated March 2023, I wrote it and it has not been formally approved by the INA Council or anyone else. (Jeremy)

Mission statement

We haven't got a mission statement, but if we did then hopefully it would be something like this "INA exists for anyone using or studying coccos and seeks to help them work better, share their results with each other and the general public, and enjoy the process".

Decision making

Generally we have a committee meeting and a business meeting at each INA conference, which more or less put the association in good shape for the two years or so, until the next conference. Conferences are typically attended by about a quarter to a half of total membership, so we have assumed that a majority vote at these meetings is a suitable basis for decision making. We have, for instance, voted on changes of membership fee, Journal format, committee membership, and selection of venue for the next conference (on occasion the subject of splendid presentations by hopeful hosts).

According to our constitution the Trustees (a defined subset of at most 6 officers) are legally responsible for the Association. However, in practice, the committee has always been able to reach decisions by consensus.

President: Emanuela Mattioli (4 year post, next changing at INA20)

The President makes sure everything is working smoothly and has overall responsibility for the running of the association, ensuring vacancies of officers are filled, promoting its activities and developing new initiatives. It was decided in 1992, when Katharina stepped, down that in future Presidents would be elected for not much more than four years, but since handovers take place at INA conferences this does get extended sometimes. Emanuela started office in Sept 2022 so is due to remain in office until Sept 2026.

Secretary: Jean Self-Trail

The secretary is responsible for organising committee meetings, reminding people what to do, ensuring the membership are kept informed, and generally making sure the society is functioning properly. This post was, finally, formalised in 2017.

Past President: Giuliana Villa

For continuity the former President stays on the INA committee and keeps a benevolent and encouraging eye on developments.

Journal Editor: Denise Kulhanek

The editor receives scientific copy for the journal, arranges refereeing of research articles, edits and collates copy, arranges type-setting, and sends it off to the printers. Or such is the theory, in practice the editor has often had to hassle for, write and rewrite copy, sort out miscellaneous problems, etc.

Associate Editors:

Jon Schueth (University of Nebraska, Omaha, USA); Goncalo Prista (Instituto Dom Luiz (IDL) of the University of Lisbon); Odysseus Archontikis (University of Oxford, UK); Ines Galovic (Croatian Geological Survey, Croatia); Xiang Su (South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China).
Denise has enlisted an impressive and diverse set of associate editors who will assist with initial handling of manuscripts and arranging reviews.

Website Editor: Jeremy Young

The website editor tries to keep the website up to date and useful. Like the journal editor he keeps hoping people will send him content.

Membership Secretary: Karl-Heinz Baumann

The Membership Secretary maintains the database of members, produces address labels, collects membership dues, reminds late payers, and (reluctantly) strikes off very late payers. He has also been given the job of organising email/web ballots.

Treasurer: Matt Hampton

The treasurer is responsible for the INA finances including the bank accounts and PayPal account, paying bills (mainly for printing), producing annual accounts, restraining the officers from indulging in foolish expenditure, and making sure that the association remains solvent. He is assisted by Stacia Spauliding as US Treasurer, who maintains the $US account and makes payments from it.

Public Outreach Officers: Mario Cachao and Felipe Vallejo

The public outreach officers develop resources to aid communication about nannoplankton, especially audiovisual resources suitable for non-specialist audiences.

Email Mailing List Organiser: Juan Pablo Perez Panera

The coccoliths email list was set up by Helen Gillespie to assist communication between nannoplankton workers, including many who are not members of the INA. The mailing list organiser has to make sure the list is functioning smoothly, sort out technical problems, fend off junk mail etc.

Social Media Officer: Odysseas Archontikis

To try and drag INA into the modern world a new post of Social Media Officer was created at INA14 (in 2013). This has resulted in the development of a facebook page which has been very popular as a way of swapping photos from meetings, and other news. It has extended to include Instagram and Twitter accounts.

Conference Convenor: Simon Cole (Petrostrat, Llandudno, Wales, conference to be held in 2024)

Conference organisation is esentially entrusted to the local convenor. Abstracts are usually published as a special issue of the Journal of Nannoplankton Research, distributed to all members as a PDF via the website.

Summer School Organiser: Emanuela Mattioli

We now run the INASSET INA Summer School in Evolution and Taxonomy. This is run in Lyon hosted by Emanuela Mattioli. This will be biennial event from 2020.

INA Foundation Director: Mike Styzen

Whilst the European founders of the INA believed in just doing good stuff for nannofossil science our American colleagues know that money is necessary to achieve anything worthwhile. The Director of the INA Foundation is responsible for finding it and the INA Foundation has established a very useful fund for suporting the educational objective of the society and particularly for sponsoring student attendance at INA conferences. The Foundation is legally separate from the INA and has a separate board of trustees (Mike Styzen, Jean Self-Trail and Richard Howe, as of March 2015).

Council Members at Large: Ines Galovic and Shijun Jiang - elected 2019

Was INA run by a narrow Anglo-Dutch clique? That is not the way it ever felt from the inside, but broadening the spread of committee participation was something we have long felt was important. Woody Wise greatly increased US involvement but the INA council was still far from representative of the membership, hence the new bylaws provided for these posts. They give nannoplankton specialists who are committed to the objectives of the association but do not have the time to take on major tasks a chance to influence and guide us. The members at large have also been proactive in raising sponsorship for meetings and in producing items for sale such as the INA calendars (Giuliana Villa and Ric Jordan - with Denise Kulhanek), some beautiful nanno ornaments (Alyssa Peleo-Alampay) and the amazing coccolith in a glass cube (Ric Jordan). More recently the members at large (Ines and Shijun) played a major role in development of the nannofossil bibliography and PDF collection.