NANNO NEWS August 2002

Nanno News is the newsletter of the International Nannoplankton Association. The printed version is sent out to members with the Journal of Nannoplankton Research.
Editor Jean Self-Trail, HTML conversion by Jeremy Young.


I certainly hope to see as many of you as possible in Parma for the exciting INA 9 General Meeting that Giuliana Villa and her most capable staff have organized. If, like me, you have enjoyed following the INA9 web site, then you'll love the meeting.

At the business meeting in Parma, Dave Jutson will present the new INA Bylaws for final ratification that he and many of you have worked on. The final comments came in after Jeremy Young posted the draft copy on our INA web site, a most democratic way to go about this. Also at the business meeting, we will vote on the venue for the next meeting. I hope we have several good proposals to choose from. Where would you like to be meeting two years from now?

Not only would I like to thank Giuliana, Dave and Jeremy for their hard work on our behalf, but also David Watkins, who single handedly saw to our incorporation as a non-profit scientific society. Dave enlisted the expert services of the Hon. Gregg Dammon, Esq., in Seward, Nebraska, where our incorporation papers were filed. If you don't know where Seward, Nebraska is, the sign on the town square says it is 4100 miles from its sister city, Seward, Alaska, which might be more familiar to you. Let Dave know if you need more specific directions. Seriously, this was a most important step for us, and we are indebted to Mr. Dammon for his kind and generous work on our behalf.

In my last message, I allowed that the Dirac Science Library at Florida State University did not carry the Journal of Nannoplankton Research, and promised to try to do something about that as a challenge to all of you who might find yourselves in similar circumstances. Although they have not subscribed to a new journal in years, when I informed them it was only $40/year at the institutional rate, they promptly signed up. That was easy, so I hope all of you will do the same so that we can make the JRN widely known through the academic and industry libraries of the world.

Speaking of the JNR, Jackie Lees, our Editor, informed me last fall that Bohumil Hamrsmid, our long time Technical Editor (1994-2002), would be retiring from that position at the close of the Parma meeting. Bo has done a fantastic job of getting the journal published in the Czech Republic at a price very favorable to INA, but we must now engage a new publisher. After considerable enquiry, Jackie has arrived at an equally favorable arrangement with Cambridge University Press. The only stipulation is that each issue must be exactly 42 pages in length, which means that we must produce a sufficient number of manuscripts to fill that space twice a year, which we are not currently doing. That is where you, our members, come in. We need your manuscript submissions, and sooner than later if we are to keep up the pace. And keep up we must, because our next goal is to achieve Citation Index status, which means that we must publish the journal on a regular and consistent basis. Nowhere else in the world is there a journal devoted exclusively to nannoplankton research, geared to help our members disseminate their research findings. But we've go to do our part by providing Jackie with the manuscripts she needs. She is quite happy to take biostratigraphic range charts. Papers currently being sent to series such as the ODP Scientific Results volumes to be published on CD-ROM or in cyber space would be welcome at the JNR, and ODP strongly encourages publication of such papers in the 'outside' literature rather in their media. So, let's make a deal and support the JNR!

Last, I'd like to call your attention to the announcement elsewhere in this Newsletter that a vacancy now exists for the Council position of Bibliographer for Calcareous Nannofossils. After 13 years of faithful service (1989-2002), well above and beyond the call of duty, Bill Siesser is stepping down as our long-time Bibliographer. One of the primary motivations behind the founding of INA was to ensure the continuation of the Index and Bibliography of Calcareous Nannoplankton begun by Alfred Loeblich and Helen Tappan. John Steinmetz, Shirley van Heck, and Bill Siesser each answered that call, for which we are all much indebted. If you would like to help INA continue this time honored tradition or know someone who can, please contact Shirley, our Past President, who is heading up the search committee.

Woody Wise


Financial Report for the U.S. Account
May1, 2001 through June 30, 2002



Dues $ 4,596.50
Sale of Back Issues of JNR $ 33.50
Sale of INA7 Proceedings $ 108.00
Excess from INA8 -Bremen* $ 5,007.83
Interest $ 624.62

Total $10,370.45

JNR 23(1) $ 1,188.00**
JNR 24(1) $ 2,140.00
Credit Card Fees $ 101.73
Legal Fees - INA Foundation $ 370.00
Office Supplies $ 12.55
Phone and Fax Calls $ 1.02
Postage $ 109.60

Total $ 3,923.90

BALANCE $18,362.99

* This will be transferred to the INA Foundation account when it is up and running.

** A float of $1,000.00 is held by Bohumil Hamrsmid in the Czech Republic, where the Journal of Nannoplankton Research is printed.

Stacia A. Spaulding, Ph.D.


The address label on the Journal of Nannoplankton Research shows the year in which your dues expire(d). Please note the date on the line following your name.

2002 or later - dues are paid up
2001 - please pay $25 for 2002 or $50 for 2002, 2003 and 2004
2001 (student) - please pay $12.50 for 2002 or $25 for 2002,2003 & 2004
F - free membership. No payment required.

Note: These prices are in U.S. Dollars

NAME ___________________________________________________

AFFILIATION ______________________________________________



STATE ________________________ ZIP CODE --------__________


E-MAIL ________________________

Is this a renewal? Yes No
Years for which you are paying: ____________

Status: Student or Professonal

Credit Card Account Number: ___________________________
(American Express, Visa, Mastercard)

Expiration Date: _____________

Please make checks payable to International Nannoplankton Association

send to: Stacia A. Spaulding
345 Meadowbrook Farm Road
Proctorsville, Vermont 05153


In my last entry, I asked for commentary from the industrial nanno community. I have, to date received zero response. Obviously my threats of spewing opinion in this venue have fallen on deaf ears. Originally, I had intended to ramble a little about high tech tools, using Peter Thompson's Computational Biochronology program as an example. Alas, I have spent 50 of the last 80 days offshore. I'm sitting on a drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico as I am writing this column. I promise I'll get with Peter before the next newsletter.

I'm sitting offshore on a rig. In the last decade, this activity has become more and more a part of industrial nannofossil biostratigraphy. I don't see this trend diminishing in the future. The Geology and Geophysics community are increasingly appreciative of real-time data. As for myself, despite the grueling schedule, this is my favorite part of the job. I can readily see the impact of my work on the bottom line. I am happy to report that the trend recently in on-location work is multidiscipline teams, usually one foram worker and one nanno worker. In this environment quick interpretations based on incomplete data are the name of the game. You don't know what is going to be in your next sample, but decisions hinging on your model are needed immediately. Having more than one discipline in one's toolbox prevents costly mistakes based on reworking or poorly preserved floras. A well-coordinated team can also cover for each other in the sample processing. If both individuals are familiar with both sample processes, one can cover for the other while he/she is busy or napping. This eliminates the need for the extra expense of bringing in sample processors. It also reduces crowding. Deck space is at a premium on a small rig; right now I'm working in an 8x10 foot shack. I don't think we could cram any more people in here even if we wanted to. Well, enough rambling. They're doing a bit-trip right now. This is my big opportunity of the week to get more than three hours of sleep. I'm not passing that up!

I'd still like to hear from you. I'd like to get a little gossip in here about who is working where and other newsy items. Call, e-mail, send letters, or send smoke signals, however you want to communicate. If you've got news, I want to hear it!

Mike Styzen
Industry News Correspondent


The final year of ODP operations is now here (see web site), which includes ODP Legs 206 through 210. Leg 206 will be the first of a multi-leg program to drill through the entire oceanic crust in a fast spreading ridge environment where the layer 2/3 (dike/gabbro) transition is thought to be relatively shallow (1300-1800 mbsf). The site in the eastern equatorial Pacific will have 2-300m of sediment above 15 Ma crust. Staffing for this leg is almost complete. Leg 207 will drill the Demerara Rise off the margin of Surinam, where shallowly buried sediments of Paleogene to Cretaceous age and their paleoceanographic significance are the focus of this leg. Jorg Mutterlose and Woody Wise will be shipboard nannofossil paleontologists. Leg 208 will drill a depth transect across the Walvis Ridge in the south Atlantic, again with a focus on Paleogene to Cretaceous paleoceanography. Staffing for this leg (as well as for Legs 209 and 210) has just begun, so now is the time to submit applications. Leg 209 will drill mantle peridotites exposed on a ridge crest along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, and no paleontologists will sail on this cruise. Leg 210 will be the last ODP leg, and will focus on drilling a single deep re-entry hole on the Newfoundland Margin, the conjugate to the Iberian margin which has seen multiple drilling legs. The goal will be to recover a complete stratigraphic section into basement documenting the rifting and subsidence history from the Mesozoic to Cenozoic. Cruise participant forms can be found in the URL listed above.

Once ODP ends, a new drilling program, the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) is projected to start in the fall of 2003. However, there will be some lag time before new drilling operations begin with the new multiplatform program. In the meantime, the ODP/DSDP core collections will continue to be curated and sampling services provided as they are now, until such activities are incorporated into the new program, probably sometime in 2004. Publications of ODP Initial Reports and Scientific Results volumes will continue until the Leg 210 SR volume is completed in 2007. For more information on the future of IODP planning, you can download a PDF file of the JOI/USSAC newsletter, Summer 2002 issue.

John Firth
ODP Correspondent


Congratulations are in order to our recent Ph.D. graduates! Ulf Rogalla was awarded his Ph.D. by the University of Bochum. His thesis was entitled "Reconstruction of Paleoenvironmental Conditions with Coccoliths from Late Quaternary Sediments of the Northern Arabian Sea". Ulf worked for three years at the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources in Hannover and was supervised by Harald Andruleit and Jorg Mutterlose. He is now ready to take on new tasks and challenges!

Anatoliy Shumnyk was awarded his Ph.D. by the Institute of Geological Sciences National Academy of Sciences of the Ukraine, under the tutelage of Ivanik Michaylo. His thesis was entitled "Upper Cretaceous Calcareous Nannoplankton of Southern Ukraine". Anatoliy is currently job hunting and is ready for new challenges.

Tania Hildebrand-Habel completed her Ph.D from the University of Bremen entitled "Die Entwicklung Kalkiger Dinoflagellaten im Sudatlantik Seit der Hoheren Oberkreide (The Evolution of Calcareous Dinoflagellates in the South Atlantic Since the Late Cretaceous). She is currently starting a post-doc position in petroleum-related biostratigraphy in Oslo University (Norway). A summary of her thesis follows:

Fossil calcareous dinoflagellate associations differ significantly from those in modern oceans in a number of aspects, including the abundance of taxa, wall type and diversity. The exact nature as well as the causes and effects of this association change are still obscure. In order to shed light on the evolutionary history of calcareous dinoflagellate associations, this study focuses on the long-term temporal and spatial distribution patterns in the South Atlantic Ocean for the Maastrichtian to Miocene time-interval. The study thereby not only addresses the effect of the biotic crisis at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary, but also concentrates on the influence of Cenozoic climate evolution. Using scanning electron microscopy and polarisation microscopy, about 6,500 calcareous dinoflagellate specimens have been examined in sediments originating from three DSDP and ODP cores (Holes 356, 357, and 689B). The broad time-interval led to a redefinition of biogeographic and stratigraphic ranges of numerous taxa.

The evolution of the oceanic calcareous dinoflagellate associations in the South Atlantic is characterised by stepwise transitions since the latest Cretaceous that were effectively controlled by changes in the environmental conditions. The extent of the modifications is highly variable and shows regional differences. The initial development of latitudinal differences in association has now been verified for the late Paleocene.

Main stages of alterations occurred in certain stratigraphic intervals, particularly at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary, the boundary between the middle and late Eocene, the Eocene-Oligocene boundary, in the early Oligocene, at the Oligocene-Miocene boundary, and in the middle Miocene. These steps indicate that the evolution of calcareous dinoflagellates has been considerably influenced by the effects of the extraterrestrial impact at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary as well as by Cenozoic climate change. In particular, strong cooling events correlate with changing calcareous dinoflagellate assemblages.

The development of characteristic temporal and spatial distribution patterns as a reaction to changing environmental conditions substantiate the potential of calcareous dinoflagellates for reconstructing (palaeo-) environmental conditions in the marine realm. Despite the fact that much "pioneering" research remains to be done, the results illustrate that the organisms can provide important and unique information, especially in the fields of palaeoclimatology and ecostratigraphy.


Caravaca de la Cruz, June 3rd - 8th, 2003

We are pleased to invite you to participate in the international conference on Bioevents: Their Stratigraphic Records, Patterns and Causes to be held in Caravaca de la Cruz, Spain, from Tuesday June 3rd, to Sunday June 8th, 2003

The geology of the Caravaca area has long been of great stratigraphic interest in Europe because of the unique and incredible opportunity it offers to study faunal succession in spectacular outcrops of the Cretaceous series. In most recent time, the stratigraphy of the area became even more important after publication of the meteorite impact hypothesis which presents a unifying theory to explain the cause of the mass extinction event at the close of the Cretaceous. Stratigraphic sequences at both Caravaca and Barranco del Gredero have since become main reference points in the worldwide literature, because of their exceptionally well preserved record of the stratigraphic event at the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K/T) boundary. Furthermore, the Barranco del Gredero section also includes the Paleocene-Eocene (P/E) boundary, which is not so common in outcrops worldwide, and therefore is of global importance in the study of stratigraphic events around that boundary.

The international meeting in Caravaca de la Cruz will discuss our current state of knowledge on bioevents based on the vast amount of data accumulated in recent years.

Scientific activities will take place over four days, and will include:
- Invited talks
- Visit to Barranco del Gredero for both K/T and P/E boundary sections
- Poster sessions

The meeting encourages participation of young scientists, as well as last year undergraduate science students, for whom we are negotiating the possibility of granting official university credit for participation in the conference. The meeting will also explore means of future preservation of the Barranco del Gredero outcrops, and will emphasize the importance of the classic sites to the Caravacan people and Regional Governmental authorities.

Scheduled activities
Tuesday June 3rd, late afternoon
- Registration and Welcome Party
June 4th
- Morning: Inauguration and reception for participants (Spanish wine)
- Afternoon: Scientific sessions (invited talks and posters)
June 5th: Scientific sessions (invited talks and posters)
June 6th
- Morning: Field-trip to the Barranco del Gredero (K/T and P/E)
- Afternoon: Scientific sessions (invited talks and posters)
June 7th: Scientific sessions (invited talks and posters). Farewell Dinner

Complementary activities
- Pre- and post-meeting field-trips will be organized, with geological and/or cultural interest. During the meeting there will also be other scientific-cultural activities, related to Caravaca and the geological setting of the Murcia region.
- Depending on requests, an accompanying guest program will be offered on June 5th, 6th and 7th, and will consist of cultural tours to cities and other sites of interest in the Murcia region.

Registration fees
- * Conference Participants: 180 euro
- * Students and scholarship recipients: 100 euro
- ** Accompanying guest: 50 euro

(*) These fees include costs of attendance at all scientific sessions, the Barranco del Gredero field-trip, social events, and meeting documents.
(**)These fees include the cost of attendance at the social events only.

Complementary activities such as pre- and post-meeting field-trips, excursions and accompanying guest programs will have their separate fees in relation to their respective costs.

Student Grant Awards
- A certain number of free registration awards will be available for Graduate students, and young PhDpis (no more than 35 years old) who have contribution(s) accepted for presentation at the meeting. These awards will be offered on a first come first served basis.
- A certain number of free registration awards will also be available for Undergraduate student science majors who are in their last year of study. These awards will be offered on a first come first serve basis. The conference will help award recipients to find low-cost accommodation
in youth hostels.
Organizer: Caravaca de la Cruz Council

Scientific Committee (provisional)
Marcos A. Lamolda, Universidad del PaIs Vasco; Rafael Arana, Universidad de Murcia; Jenaro L. Garcia Alcalde , Universidad de Oviedo; Jose M. Gonzalez Donoso, Universidad de Malaga; Kunio Kaiho, Tohoku University; Florentin Maurrasse, Florida International University; Christopher R.C. Paul, University of Liverpool; Jan Smit, Vrije Universiteit.

Secretariat (provisional)
Diego MarIn Ruiz de Assin; Pedro GarcIa-Esteller Guerrero; Carlos Diaz

Marcos A. Lamolda (coor.); Miguel Company; Kunio Kaiho; Miguel A.
Mancheoo; Maria Jose Martinez; Eustoquio Molina; Tomas Rodriguez Estrella.

Relevant dates
- Pre-registration: October 15th, 2002
- 2nd Circular: November, 2002 (will be sent to those who are
pre-registered; will include more details on the Conference, accommodation,
and the scientific program)
- Abstract submission: January, 2003
- Registration and fee payment: March, 2003
- 3rd and last Circular: April, 2003

Please, fill and return pre-registration form to the Conference Secretariat
Diego Marin Ruiz de Assin
Secretaria de Bioeventos 2003
Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz
30400 Caravaca; SPAIN

E-mail: Bioeventos Caravaca 2003
'Bioevents: their stratigraphic records, patterns and causes'
Caravaca de la Cruz, June 3rd - 8th, 2003

Pre-registration Form
(Please mark appropriately)
o Conference registration
o Student registration - Yes, I will apply for a free registration grant
o Accompanying guest




Full address:

Telephone: Fax:


I will attend the Meeting:
Definitely: Probably:
I would like to present:

Provisional title:

o I am interested in a geotourism field excursion - geology and
landscapes (1 day, pre- or post-meeting; cost about 30 euro)
o I am interested in a field-trip visiting Lower Cretaceous (RIo Argos)
and K/T boundary (Agost) outcrops (1 day, pre- or post-meeting; cost about 30
o I am interested in an accompanying guest program (costs about 25 to 40
euro, per day)
o Other activities/suggestions:


Signature :

Please complete and return this form (preferably by E-mail) - not later
than October 15th, 2002 - to:
Diego Marin Ruiz de Assin
Secretaria de Bioeventos 2003
Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz
30400 Caravaca; SPAIN
E-mail: Bioeventos Caravaca 2003

COCCOCO CONFERENCE SUMMARY--Coccolithophores-from molecular processes to global impact

In February, 2002, the CODENET group and ETH hosted an excellent conference on all aspects of coccolithophorids and coccolithophorid studies. The conference (CoccoCo) was held at Centro Stefano Franscini, Monte Verita, in beautiful Ascona, Switzerland. Themes ranging from cell biology and biochemistry, molecular phylogeny and evolutionary biodiversity, to modern and ancient coccolith carbonate fluxes were discussed. The objective of this meeting was to bring together different groups working on various aspects of coccolithophorid production, life cycles, and fossilization in order to promote the interdisciplinary study of these organisms.

From a paleontologists point of view, there was a lot of useful information presented at this meeting (although I must admit that the molecular genetics talks left me in the dust!). Talks by Mary-Helene Noel and Aude Houdan discussing life cycle stradegies of coccolithophorids got me thinking about how these changes would effect nannofossil assemblages. Carbonate productivity and its effect on coccolithophorid assemblages and global climate were discussed by Hanno Kinkel, William Hay, and Jorg Bollman which in turn led to talks on how the evolutionary development of coccolithophorids directly effected global climate change in the past (Paul Bown and Andre Bornemann, to name a few). These talks, as well as many more not mentioned here, had the effect of making me take a hard look at my own data sets in order to try to asses the impact that life cycles, carbonate fluxes through time, and evolutionary biodiversity had on the fossil record. Is there a way to tell which holococcolith and heterococcolith fossil species are from the same cell? How much of the fossil record has been lost through dissolution and taphonomy? What will the effects of modern molecular genetics of living taxa have on our understanding of the fossil record? These questions floated through my mind as I listened to (and absorbed) the data being presented at this meeting.

Why do you still count Coccolithophores - model them!

Don't worry, models presented at the CoccoCo conference were not designed to replace micropaleontologists, rather to fill the gaps in understanding coccolithophore ecology on a large scale. There were a number of contributions that were more or less heading into the same direction, i.e. to explore phytoplankton ecology with respect to its functional groups. In other words, why do coccolithophores bloom in the ocean, when does it happen, and what conditions do you need for such an event? Most of these models simulate the ocean environment in a similar way, but what was relatively new was the approach to split up phytoplankton into different functional groups, such as coccolithophores, diatoms, and dinoflagellates. Markus Schartau, who was looking at the diatom-coccolithophore succession in the ocean, presented one such model. These models nowadays are so sophisticated that they can take into account such things extracellular organic material. Similar ecosystem models were used by Agostino Merico and Toby Tyrell in approaching a more recent problem, the unusual occurrence of coccolithophore blooms in the Bering Sea.

A different model approach was presented by Richard Zeebe, who used a simple ocean model to explore the saturation state of the ocean. He investigated two extreme modes of the ocean, i.e. the Strangelove Ocean and the Cretan Ocean. In the Strangelove Ocean, the entire ocean is supersaturated and carbonate deposition is due to inorganic precipitation. Conversely, the Cretan Ocean is undersaturated with respect to calcium carbonate and biology hits the stage with coccolithophores being responsible for massive carbonate production. These geochemical models are useful for understanding geochemical feedback and coccolithophore evolution on geologic timescales

Bringing together micropaleontologists, biologists and modelers is always a useful (and unfortunately, seldom done) excercise, in which everybody benefits from each other's expertise. So no one should fear that his job will be eliminated by a model! Rather, we should concentrate on sharing data in order to converge modeling techniques with real-time oceanic data, from the cocco point of view.

Thanks to Hanno Kinkel for supplying his thoughts and a write-up of the various modeling techniques discussed at the conference.


DSDP/ODP Citation Database:

ODP is excited to announce the release of the online DSDP/ODP Citation Database. This database contains over 18,000 citations related to DSDP and ODP research spanning from 1969 to the present. Approximately 40 percent of these citations are from publications produced by the drilling programs (e.e. DSDP Initial Reports and ODP Proceedings series) and 60 percent are from serial publication, abstracts, conference proceedings, maps, etc.

The database can be found at this link. A product of the GeoRef Information System, the database is housed on the American Geological Institute (AGI) server and is updated on a weekly basis from entries made to the GeoRef database. The database can be viewed using an Internet browser such as Netscape or Internet Explorer that is operated from a Macintosh, PC-compatible, or UNIX system.

If you have any procedural questions related to using the database, please contact Kathy Phillips, ODP Publications Specialist ( If you have problems accessing this database or have questions about the functionality of the database contact Lawrence Berg ( at AGI.

INA Bibliographer Needed!

After 13 (!) years of meticulous and utterly dependable work, Bill Siesser has finally decided to step down as INA Bibliographer. This means we have a vacancy for a new bibliographer. The essential role of the bibliographer is to produce an annotated listing of new publications on extant coccolithophores and calcareous nannoplankton, including calcareous dinoflagellates, as well as a listing of new taxa and taxonomic combinations proposed in these articles. The Bibliographer is also a full member of the INA Council and will be asked to contribute to policy and decision making for the INA.

We would like anyone who is interested in taking on this invaluable job to contact We do not expect you to attempt to rival Bill's record service, but we would ask for a commitment to do the job for a minimum of 2 years, starting early 2003.

Bremen INA Volume:

Helmut Willems is happy to inform us that he has now submitted the complete compilation of manuscripts from the INA 8 (Bremen) Conference to the publishers, Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg (CFS). The publication now comprises nine contributions. He has been promised by the publishers that the volume will be printed in 2003.


Adebola Akinye
40 Ibadan Street
Ebute Meta (west)

Agricolastr. 10
09599 Freiberg

Daniela Crudeli
Institute for Geosciences
Christian-Albrechts-Universitaet Kiel
Ludewig-Meyn-str. 10
D-24098 Kiel

ETH Bibliotek Geol
Raemistr. 101
CH 8092 Zurich

Karen Henriksen
Hospitalsvej 3 st. th.
DK-2000 Frb.

Sudeep Kanungo
Micropalaeontolgy Unit
Dept. of Geological Sciences
University College London
Gower Street
London WB1E 6BT

Lester Lembke
GEOMAR Research Center for Marine Geosciences
Department of Paleoceanography
Wischhofstr. 1-3
D-24148 Kiel

Rakia Mechmeche
BP 109, 2092
El Manar 2

Dept of Library & Information Services
The Natural History Museum
Cromwell Road,
London SW7 5BD

Davide Persico
Universita' degli studi di Parma
Dipartimentodi Scienze della Terra
Parco Area Delle Scienze 157/A
43100 Parma

Erik Thomsen
Department of Earth Sciences
Building 120
University of Aarhus
Dk-8000 Aarhus C


Marie-Pierre Aubry
Department of Geological Sciences, Wright Labs
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
610 Taylor Road
Piscataway, New Jersey 08854-8066

Jim Bergen
15698 Barkers Landing Road
Houston, Texas 77079

Monique Bonnemaison
165 rue de Pounelle
45160 Olivet

Rob Campbell
Department of Geology & Geophysics
University of Western Australia
35 Stirling Hwy
Western Australia 6009

Mitch Covington
BugWare Inc.
4027 Bobbin Brook Circle
Tallahassee, Florida 32312

Jason A. Crux
c/o H. Gard
Morelvagen 11
S-135 42 Tyreso

Terri Dunn
P.O. Box 840029
New Orleans, Louisiana 70184-0029

Kyoko Hagino
Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Graduate School of Environmental Studies
Nagoya University
Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku
Nagoya 464-8602

Tania Hildebrand-Habel
University of Oslo
Department of geology
P.O. Box 1047 Blindern
0316 Oslo

Lluisa Cros Miguel
Institut de Ciencies del Mar (CSIC), CMIMA
Passeig Maritim de la Barceloneta
37-4908003 Barcelona
+34 932309500 (phone)
+34 932309555 (fax)

Yanina Narvaez
Div. de Ciencias de la Tierra
Dpto de Geologia
Km 107, Carretera Tijuana- Ensenada
22860 2732
Ensenada, Baja California

Olusaweyi Ogunjobi
Alpha Petrotech Int. Ltd
172b Murtala Muhammed Way, Ebute-Metta.

Jim Pospichal
BugWare Inc.
4027 Bobbin Brook Circle
Tallahassee, Florida 32312

Janice Salinas-Straw
28 Candlewood Place
Walnut Creek, CA 94595

William Steinkraus
14416 Tierra Drive
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80921-2817

Heather Stoll
Geoscience Dept.
Williams College
Williamstown, Massachusetts 01267

Shirley van Heck
Shell International Exploration & Production
Deepwater Services - BEAST
200 North Dairy Ashford
Houston, Texas 77079

Yasuo Yamamoto
Kansai Environmental Engineering Center
Adzuchi-cho 1-3-5
Osaka 541-0052

NB I have replaced the @ symbol with an * in these addresses (so the listing cannot be used software robots looking for email addresses)
Esther Adeniyi esther_adeniyi*
Adebola Akinye adeakinye*
Marie-Pierre Aubry aubry*
Monique Bonnemaison monique.bonnemaison*
Rob Campbell rcampbel*
Carmen Mariana Chira mcchira*
Miriam Cobianchi miriam*
Daniela Crudeli dc*
Mark Filewicz mfilewicz*
Tania Hildebrand-Habel (change) hiha*
Sudeep Kanungo ucfbska*
Kyoko Hagino (change) hagino*
Karen Henriksen karah*
Richard Howe rhowe*
Lester Lembke llembke*
Lluisa Cros Miguel lluisa*
Isao Mita i-mita*
Davide Persico dotgeo03*
Claudia Sprengel csprengel*
Heather Stoll hstoll*
Erik Thomsen erik.thomsen*
Shirley van Heck (change) shirley.vanheck*