

Amendments to the INA byelaws as proposed by council during the INA14 conference held at Reston Virginia, September 2013, and approved by a >2/3 majority (nem. con.) of the members present during a business meeting held during the conference and attended by ca. 80 INA members (out of a total current membership of 212).

It was agreed at the meeting that.

  1. The post of Bibliographer should be discontinued
  2. The post of NannoNews editor would be discontinued
  3. The post of Conference Convenor as member of the INA Council, would be discontinued.
  4. A new post of Public Outreach Officer would be created..
  5. A new post of Social Media Officer would be created
  6. A new post of Conference Liaison Officer would be created.

These changes result in the following amendments to the INA byelaws.

Section 7.1

Previous version
The executive authority of this Association shall be vested in a Board of Directors (herein called 'Council') consisting of a maximum of twelve (12) Members. Council membership shall include the President, President-elect (when appropriate), Secretary/Treasurer, Calcareous Nannofossil Bibliographer, Director of Development*, Conference Convenor, two Council Members At Large, and the Editors of the Journal of Nannoplankton Research, Nanno News, the Special Publications Series, and the INA World Wide Web (WWW) site.

*This post is referred to elsewhere in the byelaws as Director of the INA Foundation. For clarity we have now changed the wording throughout the bylaws to Director of the INA Foundation. (i.e the post which was previously refered to aseither the Director of evelopment or as the Director of the INA Foundation is now always referred to as the Director of the INA Foundation).

New version
The executive authority of this Association shall be vested in a Board of Directors (herein called 'Council') consisting of a maximum of twelve (12) Members. Council membership shall include the President, President-elect (when appropriate), Secretary/Treasurer, Public Outreach Officer, Director of the INA Foundation, Conference Liaison Officer, Social Media Officer, two Council Members At Large, and the Editors of the Journal of Nannoplankton Research, the Special Publications Series, and the INA World Wide Web (WWW) site.

Section 8.1

Previous version
The officers of this Association shall be as follows: President, President-elect, Secretary/Treasurer, Calcareous Nannoplankton Bibliographer, Director of the INA Foundation, Conference Convenor, two Council Members At Large, and the Editors of the Journal of Nannoplankton Research, Nanno News, Special Publications, and the INA WWW site.

New version
The officers of this Association shall be as follows: President, President-elect, Secretary/Treasurer, Public Outreach Officer, Director of the INA Foundation, Conference Liaison Officer, Social Media Officer, two Council Members At Large, and the Editors of the Journal of Nannoplankton Research, Special Publications, and the INA WWW site.

Section 8.8

Previous version
The Editor of Nanno News shall prepare a newsletter to be distributed with each regular issue of the Journal of Nannoplankton Research, as well as with other issues when deemed appropriate

New version
The Social Media Officer shall use social media, such as Facebook, to publicise INA activities and facilitate communication between INA members.

Section 8.11

Previous version
The Calcareous Nannoplankton Bibliographer shall maintain a database of nannoplankton-related publications and an index of all newly-described taxa and submit it for publication in print or electronically twice a year.

New version
The Public Outreach Officer will develop resources to facilitate communication about nannoplankton and nannoplankton research to the broader scientific community and the general public.

Section 8.12

Previous version
The Conference Convenor will organize the INA Conference, thereby being responsible for securing the necessary facilities and accommodations, organizing as appropriate technical sessions, workshops, exhibits and field trips, advertising and promotion (including the solicitation/arrangement of sponsorships and funding), and the publication of the proceedings or some portion thereof. The Conference Convenor will be appointed by Council following a vote of the membership on proposals submitted at a General Meeting. The Conference Convenor will serve from the conclusion of that General Meeting to the conclusion of the next (approximately a 2-3 year term).

New version
The Conference Convenor will be appointed by Council, usually following a vote of the membership on proposals submitted at a General Meeting, to convene a conference and general meeting of the INA. The Conference Convenor will be responsible for securing the necessary facilities and accommodation, organizing as appropriate technical sessions, workshops, exhibits and field trips, advertising and promotion (including the solicitation/arrangement of sponsorships and funding), and the publication of the proceedings or some portion thereof. The Conference Liaison Officer will support the conference convenor in organization of the INA Conference, monitor progress and report to the Council.