NannoNews (+ Archived pages & past announcements)
INA 17 News from the meeting, September 2019
The meeting in Santos, Brazil was a memorable event, and as is traditional ended with a business meeting. This saw plans laid for the next INA conference, for a workshop on Quaternary Nannofossils and for future summer schools, we also started a new initiative to form a reference collection of samples and ratified various changes in our officers. For details on all this please read the news update.
INA 16 News from the meeting, October 2017
We had a lovely time in Greece and also, as explained here, elected a new President, decided to go to Brazil for our next conference, and started planning an INA summer school - please read the news update.
INA 15 News from the meeting, March 2015
A lot went on at the conference in Bohol - see the news update here.
INA 14 News from the meeting, Sept 2013
The conference in Reston was quite an event and there were some important changes in officers, plans for future meetings, etc. - see the news update here.
NannoNews in the Newsletter of Micropalaeontology
Since 2013 as part of our collaboration with The Micropalaeontlogical Society we have published NannoNews items in the Newsletter of Micropalaeontology. Initially this was mailed to INA members, but postage costs became prohibitively expensive and the Newsletter has been online only since 2014. To find full versions of the Newsletter visit the TMS website. The versions here contain the pages relevant to INA.
Older Nanno News and Announcements
Past INA conferences and workshops
There used to be a list here but now there is a separate Conferences Page with all the information and more.